loongson/pypi/: watchfiles-0.24.0 metadata and description

Homepage Simple index

Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.

author_email Samuel Colvin <s@muelcolvin.com>
  • Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  • Environment :: Console
  • Programming Language :: Python
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13
  • Intended Audience :: Developers
  • Intended Audience :: Information Technology
  • Intended Audience :: System Administrators
  • License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
  • Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
  • Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
  • Operating System :: MacOS
  • Environment :: MacOS X
  • Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  • Topic :: System :: Filesystems
  • Framework :: AnyIO
description_content_type text/markdown; charset=UTF-8; variant=GFM
license MIT
  • Homepage, https://github.com/samuelcolvin/watchfiles
  • Documentation, https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io
  • Funding, https://github.com/sponsors/samuelcolvin
  • Source, https://github.com/samuelcolvin/watchfiles
  • Changelog, https://github.com/samuelcolvin/watchfiles/releases
  • anyio >=3.0.0
requires_python >=3.8

Because this project isn't in the mirror_whitelist, no releases from root/pypi are included.

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487 KB
Python Wheel
# watchfiles


Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.


**Documentation**: [watchfiles.helpmanual.io](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io)

**Source Code**: [github.com/samuelcolvin/watchfiles](https://github.com/samuelcolvin/watchfiles)


Underlying file system notifications are handled by the [Notify](https://github.com/notify-rs/notify) rust library.

This package was previously named "watchgod",
see [the migration guide](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/migrating/) for more information.

## Installation

**watchfiles** requires Python 3.8 - 3.13.

pip install watchfiles

Binaries are available for:

* **Linux**: `x86_64`, `aarch64`, `i686`, `armv7l`, `musl-x86_64` & `musl-aarch64`
* **MacOS**: `x86_64` & `arm64`
* **Windows**: `amd64` & `win32`

Otherwise, you can install from source which requires Rust stable to be installed.

## Usage

Here are some examples of what **watchfiles** can do:

### `watch` Usage

from watchfiles import watch

for changes in watch('./path/to/dir'):
See [`watch` docs](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/api/watch/#watchfiles.watch) for more details.

### `awatch` Usage

import asyncio
from watchfiles import awatch

async def main():
async for changes in awatch('/path/to/dir'):

See [`awatch` docs](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/api/watch/#watchfiles.awatch) for more details.

### `run_process` Usage

from watchfiles import run_process

def foobar(a, b, c):

if __name__ == '__main__':
run_process('./path/to/dir', target=foobar, args=(1, 2, 3))
See [`run_process` docs](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/api/run_process/#watchfiles.run_process) for more details.

### `arun_process` Usage

import asyncio
from watchfiles import arun_process

def foobar(a, b, c):

async def main():
await arun_process('./path/to/dir', target=foobar, args=(1, 2, 3))

if __name__ == '__main__':
See [`arun_process` docs](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/api/run_process/#watchfiles.arun_process) for more details.

## CLI

**watchfiles** also comes with a CLI for running and reloading code. To run `some command` when files in `src` change:

watchfiles "some command" src

For more information, see [the CLI docs](https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/cli/).

Or run

watchfiles --help

Render warnings:
<string>:46: (WARNING/2) Inline literal start-string without end-string.