loongson/pypi/: pillow-10.3.0 metadata and description

Simple index

Python Imaging Library (Fork)

author_email "Jeffrey A. Clark" <aclark@aclark.net>
  • Development Status :: 6 - Mature
  • License :: OSI Approved :: Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
  • Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
  • Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
  • Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics
  • Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
  • Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture
  • Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
  • Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
  • Typing :: Typed
description_content_type text/markdown
keywords Imaging
license HPND
  • Changelog, https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/main/CHANGES.rst
  • Documentation, https://pillow.readthedocs.io
  • Funding, https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/pypi-pillow?utm_source=pypi-pillow&utm_medium=pypi
  • Homepage, https://python-pillow.org
  • Mastodon, https://fosstodon.org/@pillow
  • Release notes, https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/releasenotes/index.html
  • Source, https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow
provides_extras xmp
  • furo ; extra == 'docs'
  • olefile ; extra == 'docs'
  • sphinx >=2.4 ; extra == 'docs'
  • sphinx-copybutton ; extra == 'docs'
  • sphinx-inline-tabs ; extra == 'docs'
  • sphinx-removed-in ; extra == 'docs'
  • sphinxext-opengraph ; extra == 'docs'
  • olefile ; extra == 'fpx'
  • olefile ; extra == 'mic'
  • check-manifest ; extra == 'tests'
  • coverage ; extra == 'tests'
  • defusedxml ; extra == 'tests'
  • markdown2 ; extra == 'tests'
  • olefile ; extra == 'tests'
  • packaging ; extra == 'tests'
  • pyroma ; extra == 'tests'
  • pytest ; extra == 'tests'
  • pytest-cov ; extra == 'tests'
  • pytest-timeout ; extra == 'tests'
  • typing-extensions ; (python_version < "3.10") and extra == 'typing'
  • defusedxml ; extra == 'xmp'
requires_python >=3.8

Because this project isn't in the mirror_whitelist, no releases from root/pypi are included.

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1 MB
Python Wheel

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Python Imaging Library (Fork)

Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Jeffrey A. Clark and contributors. PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and contributors. As of 2019, Pillow development is supported by Tidelift.

docs Documentation Status
tests GitHub Actions build status (Lint) GitHub Actions build status (Test Linux and macOS) GitHub Actions build status (Test Windows) GitHub Actions build status (Test MinGW) GitHub Actions build status (Test Cygwin) GitHub Actions build status (Test Docker) AppVeyor CI build status (Windows) GitHub Actions build status (Wheels) Code coverage Fuzzing Status
package Zenodo Tidelift Newest PyPI version Number of PyPI downloads OpenSSF Best Practices
social Join the chat at https://gitter.im/python-pillow/Pillow Follow on https://fosstodon.org/@pillow


The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter.

This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities.

The core image library is designed for fast access to data stored in a few basic pixel formats. It should provide a solid foundation for a general image processing tool.

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